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A Better Finder Attributes 7.28 macOS

File size: 13 MB

The ultimate OS X file tweaking tool, A Better Finder attributes is the best way to customize your files. This tool combines file and photo date changes, along with some unique features.

You can change the EXIF time stamps on your images at any time. This is possible by either setting specific times for them or by batch-adjusting by adding time.

The Finder's Sorting is Correct for JPEG EXIF, RAW Photo and Other Formats.

You can control the creation date and modification of files and folders by using A Better Attributes 5. This allows you to set specific dates and times, add or remove time, or even delete them entirely.

You can save your frequently used settings in separate applications called "droplets" by using the Automate With Droplets feature of Finder 5. Drop files into the application droplet to make changes. Double-click the droplet application to modify the settings.

Additional Noteworthy Features

  • Batch operation
  • Drag and drop into the list of files or the icon for the application
  • Choose files from the Finder, and then activate the A Better Finder attributes 5 using the context menu in the Finder or a shortcut key.
  • File date consistency is automatically handled
  • Separated processing for folders and files, including batch processing subfolders
  • You can also control the search results by using A Better Finder Attributes 5.
  • File extensions are displayed in the Finder or not
  • Lock or unlock files in bulk
  • Set or remove legacy type and creator codes
  • Remove invisible files
  • See invisible files on the Finder
  • Setup Finder Labels in Bulk
  • Force the Finder update information on files and folders

Compatibility: OS X 10.7 or later 64-bit