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Ablebits Ultimate Suite for Excel Business Edition 2024.1.3443.1616

Languages: English
File Size: 35.28 MB

Languages: English
File Size: 35.28 MB

Ablebits will help you speed up your Excel work. The toolset contains 70+ professional tools, with 300+ options. You can accomplish any task quickly and flawlessly in Excel. For 20 years, we've developed Office add-ins and paid our dues in order to create the perfect solution code that works on all Excel and Windows version.

Text data that is as precise as numbers
Microsoft Excel can also be used to manage text. Unfortunately, there aren't many options for managing text. Ultimate Suite compensates for this omission by providing a variety of useful utilities that can remove extra spaces, eliminate blanks, extract text substrings and change the case.

Manage selections and formulas with just a single click
The Ultimate Suite provides 9 tools that are designed to help you manage formulas, and select cells that match certain criteria. These features allow you to quickly replace formulas and their values. You can also count and sum selected cells by color.

Time-saving tips that can make a difference
The Ultimate Suite is designed to meet the needs of Excel users who work on a regular basis. Why not add a few tools to make life easier and work more comfortable for you? Think of them as an added bonus that will help you to manage your workbooks and watermarks.

Combine data in no time from different sources
Matching and merging data can be a real pain when you are dealing with large sheets that have hundreds or even thousands of rows. The Ultimate Suite can merge Excel workbooks and cells, or join individual cells.

Easy way to slice and dice your table
The Ultimate Suite revolutionizes the way you analyze and manage data in Excel. You can create tables that are compact and readable by combining entries from different rows, skipping duplicates, and ignoring empty cells. You can also split your data to see it from a different perspective.

Elegant ways to find and remove duplicates
There are many ways that duplicates can creep into your worksheets. The Ultimate Suite provides three tools that are essential to eliminating them. They are powerful and versatile tools that will allow you to quickly compare and find duplicate entries in a table, or help you find unique ones.

Rearrange ranges effortlessly
The data in an Excel document may be organized in a way which is not optimal. You can quickly reshape worksheets with the multipurpose range-transformation capabilities. You can use a number of beautiful and simple solutions to transpose your ranges, unpivot them, rebuild them, convert them, flip or swap the order.

Fill in blanks to get random data sets
It can be frustrating to have blank cells on your worksheets. The Ultimate Suite helps protect your data integrity by allowing you to quickly fill in blanks using values from adjacent rows, either upwards or down.

Maintain your data accuracy, consistency and up-to date
As your data changes, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain accuracy. Who says that it has to be this way? Use the handy options at a glance to fix typos, broken links, and fuzzy matches. Search and replace multiple workbooks using the advanced search capabilities.

Ultimate suite features:

Merge & Consolidate
Add missing rows and columns to two tables.
Match and merge tables using key columns.
- Combine data from multiple ranges onto one sheet.
- Copies data from selected ranges onto a single worksheet.
- Convert workbooks into worksheets, and then place all the sheets in one file.
Combine worksheets with identical names into one.
- Copies the worksheets selected into one workbook.
- Merge selected rows or column.
- Join several cells keeping all data.

Dedupe & Compare
Compare the values in two tables to determine if they are duplicates or unique.
- Find all values unique in a table.
Find and delete duplicates, select, colour, copy, or move them in an Excel table.
- Find duplicates, and their first occurrence.

- Combine duplicate lines and paste unique data on one line.
- Divide a large table into multiple lists based on the values of the selected column.
- Split names with multiple parts into columns.

- Convert the summary table into a list.
- Transform your table into label cards.
Change two ranges on your worksheet or workbook.
Flip the range selected vertically or horizontally.
- Convert columns to rows and vice versa.

Randomize Fill
- Generate unique random numbers.
Get random dates, Booleans.
- Save lists of values in order to generate random data.
- Create strong passwords, codes and testing data.
- Rearrange cells in rows or columns.
- Randomly select a certain number of data or a percentage.
Fill in empty cells by entering a value that is above or below.

Find and Check
Find typos, misspelled words and partial duplicates.
Search and replace values, formulas and hyperlinks.
- Select the values you want to export, or search for them.
- Fix broken links to other workbooks.

Trim and clean
- Remove extra spaces in the leading, trailing and between lines.
Add text by selecting the cells and their position.
Split text from a column into several columns.
- Change the text case in an Excel table.
- Convert text numbers to numbers.
Text extracted
- Remove text by position.
- Use a clear format in your table.
Remove all symbols, punctuation, and characters that are not printable, including numerics, text, and text characters.
- Convert any character (including line breaks and other characters) into a custom symbol.

Select and Calculate
- Calculate the number of cells and their sum based on color.
- Choose a color to add or subtract cells.
- Calculate the average, maximum and minimum values for each colored value.
Select cells according to type.
- Select cells based on value.
- When switching between sheets, keep the same selection.
- To filter your table, select any value from your list.
You can search for cells by their color or value.
- Calculate the basic values in selected cells.

Quick Utilities
- Delete rows, columns and worksheets that are empty.
All open workbooks or sheets will be displayed on a single pane.
- Move columns instantly in your table.
- Add a watermark to Excel
- Add Table of Contents
- Copy the address of a cell phone or a range to your clipboard.
- Convert formulas into relative or absolute.
- Add a comment with a picture in just 2 clicks.
- Change a comment shape.
Manage comments.
Replace formulas with values

Supported Windows versions
- Windows 11
- Windows 10
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 8
- Windows 7
- Note! Windows Insider is not supported
- Note! Windows X (on ARM processors) is not supported

Supported Excel versions
- Excel included in ​Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365)
- Excel 2021
- Excel 2020
- Excel 2019
- Excel 2016
- Excel 2013
- Excel 2010
- Note! Office Insider is not supported