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Automatic Email Processor 3.1.1

File size: 41.7 MB

File size: 41.7 MB

Automatic Email Processor provides Outlook users with a comprehensive solution to store and print incoming emails with their attachments automatically, using various filters, flexible configuration options (including individually definable storage folders) and subsequent processing capabilities. Paths indicating where Automatic Email Processor should store certain emails can also be dynamically assembled from individual properties of an email message itself.

For email messages to be stored efficiently and reliably, various output formats (for instance PDF, RTF or HTML) may be specified as output formats (such as PDF, RTF or HTML). Outlook message format files (MSG files) provide excellent protection of emails sent between different accounts and can be applied retroactively or only at specific time intervals or any time after receipt into an Outlook folder. Furthermore, rules can also be created and applied flexibly over an unlimited number of rules for separate settings per account allowing individual settings per account as well as setting rules with regard to emails sent within certain periods or emails received previously and stored within folders within specific time intervals or any previously received emails within an Outlook folder for optimal backup protection of messages sent between accounts for email security reasons and data protection reasons.

Automatically store or archive email attachments; save emails automatically as PDF or their original formats); automatically print emails and attachments such as PDF files or Office documents etc; monitor an unlimited number of Outlook folders whilst creating custom rules to handle various tasks
Filter by subject, sender, recipient and attachment file name... Get notifications via email about processing status...
Automatically create storage folders using properties from an email...
Start an application, mark messages as read or move emails between Outlook folders (based on certain criteria ). Reprocess all emails belonging to any Outlook email folder over any period ( e.g. as MSG files ).