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Charles 4.6.5 (x64)

File size: 56.5 MB

File size: 56.5 MB

Charles is an HTTP Monitor / HTTP Proxy / Reverse proxy that allows a developer view the HTTP, SSL and HTTPS traffic from their computer to the Internet. It includes HTTP requests and responses, as well as HTTP headers containing cookies and cache information. You cannot see the data being transmitted and received by your client or web browser when you develop for Web and Internet. It is time-consuming and difficult to pinpoint the exact fault without this kind of visibility. Charles allows you to quickly see and diagnose problems.

Charles debugs quickly, reliably and in a sophisticated way; this saves you both time and frustration.

View SSL responses and requests in plaintext
Bandwidth throttle to simulate slower Internet connection including latency
-AJAX Debugging – View XML requests and JSON responses in a tree format or text
View the content of Flash Remoting/Flex Remoting as a tree
Repeat requests to test changes in the backend
Edit requests for testing different inputs
Breakpoints for intercepting and editing requests or responses
Validate HTML, CSS, and RSS/atom recorded responses with the W3C Validator