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COAA PlanePlotter

File Size: 6.5 MB

PlanePlotter receives and decodes live digital position reports from aircraft and plots them on a chart for analysis. You can see an accurate radar-like display of aircraft around you that transmit appropriate digital messages such as ACARS, ADS-B or HFDL.

PlanePlotter Features
John Locker graciously provided this animated screen shot from PlanePlotter (left).

PlanePlotter presents an information table display of messages decoded and received from live aircraft transmissions.

PlanePlotter stores all digital data it receives and decodes in a log file for future reference.

PlanePlotter displays aircraft positions, altitudes and times decoded from message traffic received, such as embedded position reports in ACARS messages; AMDAR reports and ADS reports contained within these ACARS messages; ADS-B position reports received using Kinetic SBS1 or AirNav System RadarBox mode-S receivers or Charles Brain's PC-HFDL software; or position reports received over HF. When superimposing plotted data onto aeronatucal charts prepared beforehand or satellite imagery where available (eg Mode-S messages), altitude information allows discriminating low level traffic from high level traffic.

PlanePlotter can integrate with Google Earth server if you are receiving Mode-S ADS-B position reports to display aircraft positions over its base map, providing dynamic real-time views from an aircraft you specify in real-time.

PlanePlotter can pinpoint and display any transmission with just a passive antenna switch, making aircraft easy to find even without ACARS/Mode S/ADS-B capabilities.

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