b/mordigian by   Mordigian

DataPro 10.7

File size: 13 MB

File size: 13 MB

DataPro provides a vast array of data on more than 3000 chemical compounds and elements. DataPro also allows estimation and calculations for certain data characteristics (i.e. Constants critical. Saving time when obtaining chemical/scientific information. Easy to use and all the data you need in one application. Ideal for engineers, scientists, students, and educational personnel.

DataPro is an application that allows you to perform scientific calculations as well as conversions of measurement units. This tool allows you to study chemical elements, the physical properties of different elements, and calculate math algorithms.

  • The interface is intuitive and has many useful features at hand
  • The tab bar at the top of the screen allows you to quickly access the most important functions. There are several categories, including Unit Converter, Chemical Data Files (Data Files), Info Charts, Media and Web, Calculator and Graphs.
  • The unit converter lets you easily convert values regarding volume, area, density and energy. You can also convert units for heat/mass transfers, temperature, plane angle and time.
  • The categories of units can be found in the left-hand panel, which also displays the components/equations in Chemical Data and the substances in Data Files. The program provides data on the dissociation in water of substances at 298 K. These constants are used in scientific equations.

Calculators with additional functions
DataPro comes with a collection of information sheets that contain knowledge on astronomy and math functions. It also includes info sheets about heat values, electrical properties, chemical reactions, or electricity properties. Media is a tab that renders audio, video, and graphic files. Web provides an Internet browser. You can visit any website.
The calculator supports both simple math operations and advanced functions such as trigonometry, roots, and complex algorithms. You can also find a wide range of constants such as Avogadro’s number, Pi, or Bohr’s constant.

Custom data represented graphically
DataPro has a charting feature that allows you to create a bar graph from any data set. The graph can be customized, including the column names, values, colors and styles. You can also view the periodic tables and other information about each element in a tab dedicated to this program.

What's New
Functionality changes within equation groups
Changes include bug fixes, code, and icon fixes as well as changes to the layout, icon, and bug.