b/mordigian by   Mordigian

Domain Hunter Gather Pro 3.0.18

File size: 8.0 MB

File size: 8.0 MB

Old domains are considered to be one of the best ways to rank highly for keywords. The history of backlinks and content is the reason for this.

In some cases, a new domain may have no history. However, if you can get more traffic and higher rankings sooner than later that is more desirable. Domains sold at auction can fetch thousands or even hundreds of dollars.

It can take webmasters days or even weeks to build the kind of links that an old domain has.

You can either find expired domains or buy them from auctions. Domain Hunter Gatherer will simplify and speed up the process in both cases.

What's New

The start-up speed of large domain lists has been greatly improved.

Automatic output for domain lists has been improved