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Elsten Software Bliss 20231017

File size: 143.3 MB

Album artwork is automatically downloaded and organized. The bliss album artwork finder is simple and accurate. Find rare recordings with art. Your art is now available to anyone.

Album artwork finder.
Get album art automatically by using bliss
The album artwork finder is easy, quick and accurate. The album artwork is automatically installed by bliss. It is completely automated, and it can add album art to your music as you add music to your collection. Album art is sourced from reputable and extensive sources.

Music folder organizer
Check your existing music folder and file structure
Organise your music folders and files by specifying an organisation pattern. Then bliss synchronises the tags to your file names. You can choose from a variety of tags for the file organization pattern and decide how to handle whitespace. If you prefer, you can make the changes automatically. This is ideal for large collections.

Control your genres
Filter genres to a subset that you define
Track the genres of your music collection. As you add music from various sources, genres can balloon. Some genres, such as 'Classical,' are more general than others, like Experimental Big Band. You can control the genres that are allowed to be in your music collection.