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JixiPix Chromatic Edges 1.0.31 (x64)

File size: 483.1 MB

JixiPix brings vintage to an extreme new level. The days of only having a handful of options when adding flare to images are over. Chromatic edges brings back the subtle magic in photo processing. You can add glass, paper plates and silver to your photos with just a few taps.

Edge is everything! The old plate photography has a certain artistic quality. It's amazing to see the silky smooth edges and beautifully artistic images.

Photographers had to use glass plates, paper, and metal plates to create their final images before digital or film photography. The final result was a product of great skill and passion. Some processing techniques required that the glass plate be processed within minutes after the photo was taken. How times have changed!

You had few options up until now if you wanted a photo that looked like the old style. The stock photo was then blended into the photography. Since there were only a few options, your artwork started to look very familiar. Chromatic Edges is a new software that allows you to create unlimited photographic styles in just a few simple steps.

Enjoy the process, experiment and mix it up!
Fun with edges is key to creating great images. JixiPix has found unique ways of using Machine Learning to create unlimited edges. Tap the "Generate button" to watch the magic. The Chromatic edge will create an entirely unique edge quickly and easily. It's super easy to save the image if you like it.

This powerful technology was created by thousands of hours of painting edges. The edges were then fed into our deep learning algorithm to teach the machine how to do it on its own. You, as the user, can now use this power to edge your photo, and you will never see two edges of the same type again. Even if you don't know anything about the amazing photo techniques of a century ago, you can still enjoy the creativity and possibilities that you can achieve using Chromatic Edges.

The styles in Chromatic edges are endless. Create Calotypes and Cyanotypes as well as Daguerreotypes.

Edge Styles
The earliest photographic process, talbotype, was introduced by William Henry Fox Talbot in 1841. It uses paper coated with silver iodide. The word calotype is derived from Greek (kalos), which means "beautiful" and tupos "impression".
* Cyanotype, a photographic print process that creates a cyan blue print. A cyanotype is often a blue print, but there are many different effects you can achieve. They can be divided into three types: toning, intensifying and reducing.
Daguerreotype is the first successful commercial photographic process in history (1839-1860). Each daguerreotype, named after its inventor Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre is a unique photograph on a copper plate.
* An edge is also known as a "natural black border", like the ones seen on contact prints. Edges are automatically created when you print your entire negative, without cropping. This allows the glass or clear film around the image to be printed.
Gelatin Silver is a photographic process that can be used with black-and white films and papers. The gelatin suspension is then coated on a support, such as glass or flexible plastic, baryta or resin-coated papers.
Negatives are also known as glass plate negs. They cover a wide range of styles and areas. Photographic plates were the first medium used to capture images in photography. Instead of using a plastic film, the light-sensitive emulsion was coated onto a thin glass plate.
The Silver Plate process or plate collodion requires that the photographic material be coated, sensitized and exposed within a period of 15 minutes. This means that a portable darkroom is required for field use.
Gum Brichromate, a photographic printing technique from the 19th century, is based on dichromates' light-sensitivity. It can produce painterly images using photographic negatives.
* A tintype is also called a ferrotype or melainotype. It's a photograph that was created by making a negative on a thin metal sheet coated in dark lacquer.
Black and white does not require much explanation. This is a modernized version of an old classic. In 1826, Jospeh Nicholae Niepce from France used a camera to store a black-and-white image on a pewter plate coated in petroleum. The process took eight hours of intense sunlight.
Robert Boyle discovered that silver chloride turned dark in a darkened room when exposed to air. Vintage photography began with anything that was taken before the mid-20th century.
You can create anything from subtle edge-only images to thousands of classic styles. You can create anything, from subtle edge images to thousands classic styles.

Photoshop Plugin
This plugin allows you to quickly access Impresso Pro within Photoshop CS5+ and Elements for Mac or Windows. Supports actions and transparency.

• Support for high resolution images and output
• Multiple undo
• Randomize button
• Quick previewing
• Customizable styles
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