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KS DB Merge Tools for PostgreSQL Pro 1.2.2

File size: 3.8 MB

File size: 3.8 MB

Maintaining two databases simultaneously may seem impossible, but an application such as KS DB Merge Tools for PostgreSQL may provide invaluable assistance in doing just that. As its name implies, this specialized PostgreSQL-specific solution makes synchronizing schemas and data much simpler than before.

At its heart lies an intuitive interface designed for side-by-side comparison of two PostgreSQL databases. Simply set up new database connections on each panel before connecting KS DB Merge Tools for PostgreSQL with PostgreSQL to begin populating tables with objects while also showing totals, new items and changed objects from your database schema.

A data changes summary can be displayed for tables and views, table schemas can also be managed, using KS DB Merge Tools for PostgreSQL to display both new and changed items in an easy manner, while records in tables can also be easily compared. Furthermore, changes between two records in tables can easily be merged together without creating unnecessary workarounds or complications.

Comparing Schemas and Data in PostgreSQL Databases
The KS DB Merge Tools for PostgreSQL can compare schema and data across two PostgreSQL databases, including tables, views, procedures, functions and sequences.

Data can be easily compared and contrasted across tables and views to quickly detect differences, while filters reveal all newly or modified items by merging modifications both ways.

Monitoring and Synchronizing PostgreSQL Databases Without Stress
Synchronizing two PostgreSQL databases becomes easy using tools like the KS DB Merge Tools for PostgreSQL. View modifications quickly while simultaneously merging and comparing records within tables; using two databases at the same time adds another element, making database synchronization an effortless operation.