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Pulsar Modular P440 Sweet Spot v1.5.0

TeamCubeadooby | 5 November 2023 | 18.12 MB

P440 Sweet Spot Mastering Equalizer audio plugin. Mastering is often described using words similar to: "it makes music come to life", or as an act that transitions something breathtaking into something breathtaking", or even as something like magic!. Of course, these statements come directly from its practitioner but just as all magicians use tools which connect mystical knowledge with physical reality (magic wand for them and equalizer for mastering engineers), mastering engineers wield tools with similar properties when mastering.

Reject everything you have learned about "High Passing" frequencies below 30Hz and welcome Sweet Tremor's infrasonic frequency boost! By attenuating frequencies you end up with punchier and open sound; by increasing them your ears get sweet cotton candy all over them! Check Plugin Doctor with 200 Hz low shelf or 2kHz high shelf graph, but be prepared for some shock when listening back- it may make no visual sense at first, yet your ears know differently.

P440 Sweet Spot EQ will make you reconsider what an audio equalizer can accomplish; let it become your powerful magic wand!

Whats new in this version
Version 1.5.0 Nov. 3, 2023
Improved Tremor circuit delivering a more focused low end.

System Requirements
Windows 10 or newer