b/mordigian by   Mordigian

RdpGuard 9.3.1

File size: 4.0 MB

File size: 4.0 MB

RdpGuard is a host-based intrusion prevention system (HIPS) for Windows Server that protects it against brute-force attacks on multiple protocols and services (RDP, FTP, IMAP/POP3/SMTP mail accounts as well as MySQL, MS-SQL servers; IIS Web Login/ASP.NET Web Forms/MS Exchange, RD Web Access VoIP/SIP). It is equipped with numerous filters designed to detect attacks.

Monitor logs on your server and identify failed logon attempts from specific IP addresses, and when their failed login attempts surpass a set limit, their IP will be temporarily banned for an indeterminate amount of time.

Why you Need It:  Windows Server machines are under constant threat from network scanners and RDP brute-force tools which work 24/7 in searching for passwords to gain entry to servers! Furthermore, RDP brute force attacks take an enormous toll in terms of CPU resources (CPU), RAM usage (RAM), Disk space usage and network bandwith bandwidth useage (Bandwidth).

How can you protect your server against brute-force password guessing attacks via RDP? One effective tool to do just this is RdpGuard; an intelligent security application designed to defend Remote Desktop (RDP). Even when nobody logs on, RdpGuard works as a Windows Service to offer reliable protection - your Windows Server will still remain safe!