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Trisolve v1.0.21

Requirements: Android 8.0+ | Size: 4.09 MB

Triangle calculator for every occasion! The ultimate triangle tool.

Ideal for students, teachers, carpenters, navigators, orienteers, surveyors and astronomers... or anyone that uses triangle geometry!

Triangle solver that works both ways - drawing values you enter while entering what was drawn.

Trisolve allows you to enter what information is known to you and dynamically shows everything which can be calculated from even partial knowledge. If any value can be solved immediately by Trisolve; otherwise it alerts you immediately as impossible.

No need to press an enter key in order to solve a triangle; just draw or enter and you can instantly see its solution!

Simply touch any individual values' icons to easily delete or restore individual values.

Trisolve provides solutions for triangles using sides, angles, coordinate systems (xyz or rTh), or combinations thereof that best meet your situation.

Trisolve provides calculations of sides, angles, heights, perimeter, area and vertex locations as well as multiple centers in triangle solvers - not just sides and angles! Also allows entering of sides/angles/heights/perimeter area/vertex positions etc rather than just the usual two.

Categorize scalene, isosceles and equilateral triangles as well as acute, right and obtuse triangles, then identify and solve any ambiguous triangles that arise.

Angle measures are useful when used for measuring angles such as degrees, radians, grads, deg min sec and percentage grades - amongst many other topics! Unit conversion is simple using Trisolve; simply choose your unit(s), select Trisolve to convert them without manual entry!

Transformations include translate, rotate, reflect and dilate operations that adjust based on coordinate systems to facilitate ease of understanding for students while offering maximum flexibilty for advanced users.

Trisolve calculates results using numerically stable trigonometric algorithms that produce precise answers even under extreme engineering applications. Where many triangle solvers give incorrect solutions under such extreme conditions, Trisolve handles such cases precisely.

All values may either be user inputted or calculated - for instance entering triangle base and height will have its area calculated; entering area and height will generate area calculations; enter any value whatsoever at once and the correct formula will apply forwards or backwards - unlike any other app! No other feature comes close.

Calculated values are displayed with color icons easily identifiable to all, while user entered values are represented using monochrome icons designed specifically to meet the needs of color blind users.

As part of an experimentation process, inputs may be cleared or restored individually by clicking their icon for experimental adjustments.

Field sizes adjust dynamically based on user information entered so extreme precision values fit on even smaller phone screens.